Annotated Bibliography

Below is 10 sources in which I have used in order to begin the idea for sand marble racing.

1: Marble Racing

This source is the video which gave myself the inspiration to make my own sand marble racing clips. This involves 33 marbles, of different colours racing through a man-made race track to win. The clip also involves commentary, which is voiced over the top of the video. This is an extremely useful source, and is very well formatted, with all aspects of the source coming together to form fantastic viewing for the audience. Due to the quality of the source, I will be able to use this as a guide to making my own, as this is the type of quality I would hope for.

2: chat forum

This source is a chat forum which I came across on a website called ‘reddit’. It involves people talking about another marble race, which in this instance, has only 12 marbles. The chat forum shows how pleased the people are with the video, as they speak of how exciting it was, and how anxious they were supporting the colour in which they chose. This is a good source, as it is able to help myself get an understanding of the types of tracks which people enjoy to watch, and see the comments which they make at the simple click of the button.

3: castle

This is a source which only has a small relevance to my project. Although the clip on how to build a sand castle was extremely helpful as it was able to show tricks for me, on how I am able to build the track using sand. The video was well put together, with the use of three people in the film. The video was only useful to me for about one fifth of the duration, as the more it continued, the less relevance it had to building sand marble tracks.

4: presence

This is a source which was able to give me advice on how to build an online presence, and how to get my videos seen on a broad basis. The website gave 7 dot points, on the best way to build up your online presence. This is a particularly useful, as it I am able to mould my digital artefact around the tips given. It is a well presented website, which is able to inform people of the ways to advance online reputation, through the constant improvement of my videos

5: good or bad on society

This is a source which debates the effects of Youtube, and whether or not they are good or bad. The effects of Youtube are good in my opinion, and of the opinion of this website too. There are millions of videos on YouTube, which relate to many different topics. This is a very well put together blog, which was able to relate to my idea for sand marble racing, as it is able to give me the confidence that the videos will be viewed and appreciated. The blog was well supported with the use of videos to back up the writers viewpoint.

6: Interview

This is a source which highlights the increasing popularity in sand marble racing, as well as underlining the large amount of entertainment. This relates to my article, as it is able to reinforce my idea, as I know viewers will enjoy my video. The fact that it has attracted enough attention, for BBC to see the need to hold an interview, proves the growing popularity. The article itself was only small, although luckily the video attached was able to provide the information which was withheld from the text to provide a worthwhile source.

7: eggs race

This source is able to prove the varying amounts of objects which can be rolled down a sand track, other than marbles. The video shows easter eggs racing down the sand track, as an easter special. This is very relevant to my artefact, as I plan to send other objects down the track other than marbles. Perhaps some sort of fruit, or other types of sporting balls could work. The video is again extremely well filmed, and edited, with comments showing the popularity and excitement created for the YouTube video.

8: race 2

Within this source, is a YouTube video of another sand marble race, which involves just 12 marbles racing to the bottom of the sand marble track. This is quite well filmed, although the camera gets quite shaky at times, which highlights to me the importance of filming correctly. The video however, is quite well edited, and the background music is able to add to the excitement of the race. The slight difference of this race to the other, is able to give me more ideas as what to make my race tracks like, and whether more or less marbles is the better option.

9: editing clip

This source involves a YouTube video explaining how to edit a video, which is directed at people which have very little editing experience. This relates to myself, as I have next to no video editing experience. Despite the video being aimed at business owners creating a video for their business, this was a very useful source, which will help myself film and edit the race once the track has been completed. The video was very professionally put together with the use of quality acting and editing, in order to create a quality viewing experience for the audience.

10: commentating clip

My final source involves an instructional video on how to commentate over the top of another video. Despite the video being aimed at people who play Call Of Duty, it was still very helpful to know the way in which to go about commentating my project of the sand marble race. The YouTube video was well put together, as the editing and commentary skills were well done. This is relevant to my project, as I aim to provide a commentary voice over my video, in order to enhance the audiences viewing quality.

Ripping, mixing and burning

Like everything else in the modern day world, creating a remix, or covering a song has become profoundly easier. Me personally, some of my favourite songs are covers/remixes from the YouTube and radio channel ‘triple J’.

A remix can range from a redo of a movie, to a singer redoing another artist’s song. The vast majority belong to the category of music. This can be also done for a comical purpose. With the outlets such as Facebook and Instagram, remixes for a comical purpose seem to have a constant roll over of new styles and even better forms of remixing.

As stated in my previous blog, the film industry is generally involves money, and it is no different if a movie is remixed into another. It means that the original has somewhat been successful, therefor to generate new versions. This also works in the music industry. Singers will only want to redo a successful song, in order to enhance their chances of a quality product.

From Novel to Film just for fun? No way!

If you were to ask why a film is created, some film makers may respond with “we do it for fun”. Which may be true to some extent, although I highly doubt their work would continue without a fairly hefty pay packet being included.

one does not simply

Money is the main source of why transmedia story telling is used. The formatting of a single story across multiple media outlets is all but a money spinner, for which relies heavily on the success of a book, in order to be turned into a film. For example, the 7 book series “Harry Potter” was a success on the platform of books, so therefor it was able to be transferred across to the digital platform of film with minimal risk of failure in order for the chance of making money.

Of course, while the major film making companies make money, someone has to lose money, right? The loser here financially, unfortunately is everyday movie lovers like myself. This is because we are the silly suckers which get roped into paying for the movie tickets, in order to send the money to the top dog movie producers and actors.

Arts and Craft – Digital style

Within today’s society, art and craft is relevant to more than just children, or the artists which sing songs on our radios. As I have already stated before, average citizens are now able to do things which previously weren’t possible. This includes the mixing of music, photos, or movie scenes into an improved or modified version to serve a certain purpose.

In today’s world, anything is able to be modified. A photo of a person, is quickly able to be transformed into a meme, and funny video is quickly able to be remixed into an even funnier video than the previous.

Another extremely popular form of craft of digital material is the modification of music. If you search your favourite song, chances are, there is some sort of remixed version somewhere on the internet which has been changed for the purpose of a material transformation.

Here is an example;

Media convergence – a more user friendly process

The convergence of media, is the process of all media outlets, such as Television, Radio and newspaper coming together to allow for a much more user friendly way in which to access and use the media. The term ‘Media convergence’ is an idea which was used in my most recent blog on ownership of the media. This is the process of consumers slowly becoming producers. The idea that the audience is merely the puppet of the media is no longer, this is due to the convergence of the media.

Due to the introduction of social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. the media has become readily available to audiences with the click of a button on our modern smart phones, tablets or laptops. The more advanced technology of the modern age, in every aspect of our lives is able to create a more user friendly situation for the entire audience. Just like the remote control made it easier for humans to change the TV channel, by allowing a channel change without having to exit the couch, the convergence of the media allows the audience to gain access to the areas of the media which they seek, without having to wait for the news program to reach that section of the story.

mobile phones

The converging of media onto a newer, more up to date platform, doesn’t mean that the older form is now obsolete. It just simply creates more of a choice to the consumer. For example, modern technology allows for the audience to watch the NRL (National Rugby League competition) on their mobile phone device, while at the park alone. Although I would preferably sit in the crowd and watch the game surrounded by thousands.
Although, another positive with the convergence of the media, is that just because I choose to go watch the game live at the stadium, I am able to re-watch the game on my phone in the park.

stadium australia

This is a good thing for all involved, as more choice is able to create a larger mean for competition, and this often means higher quality for us – the audience Despite some beliefs about their intentions, the main media outlets goal is for the audience to receive their information in the best possible way.

From consumer to producer

The media is an extremely broad platform, which is designed to inform, scrutinise and entertain. The ownership of the media is often linked to what is spoken about throughout the news headlines. Prior to the days of Facebook, twitter and other social media outlets, this was even more so the case.

rupert murdoch

Photo by Neilson Barnard/Getty Images
Prior to the existence of social media, the media was controlled in such a way, that across all media platforms such as newspaper, Television and radio, the consumer only hears what the owner wanted the consumer to hear.
Across the three main areas of the media, Rupert Murdoch owns approximately two thirds of the media outlets throughout Australia. Murdoch’s ownership has been able to affect the content of what is written in the Daily Telegraph. Throughout the 2013 race for prime minister, it became quite obvious to the onlooker how the Rupert Murdoch owned ‘Daily Telegraph’s’ view was biased towards the Liberal party. 293 political stories were posted leading up to the election, and out of that, only 6 were not for pro Liberal party. This then lead to the Liberal parties Tony Abbot being elected into Prime Minister, without any prior popularity for the top job.

tony abbot
Source – Jeannette McMahon – ABC Newcastle

Currently, the new age of media is slowly beginning to take over from the old. That being, social media is now the main source of news within the younger generations. In which, it is controllable to seek the news which you want to hear. With the click of a button, you are quickly able to find the news which you want to hear, and the news you don’t. It is as simple as that. With the change to the new style of media, this means that the average person is able to produce the news which they want, instead of consuming the news which is fed to them. I.e. the consumer, is becoming the producer.

Who owns the media outlets doesn’t necessarily matter to the current generation, although to the generations, or people who don’t use social media to access their news, it does.
This problem will soon be obsolete, and in a couple of decades the media audience will be able to read information which isn’t of a biased opinion.


‘Tony Abbott’s Debt to Rupert Murdoch’ Posted on 18/09/2013 by John Menadue

Are you seeing images how you’re supposed too?

The way which an image is perceived is entirely up to the audience. Although does a photographer want the viewer to see many possible ideas from an image, or just one?
Each image has one direct meaning, although the way which an observer distinguishes the meaning of the photo is what helps a photograph gain attention around the world.

signifier and signifed.135448109863
Source – Brain Tacos WordPress

There is always two sections to an image; the signifier and the signified.
These two areas of an image, is what provokes the thought process in the human mind when a photograph is viewed. The signifier is the image, or word seen, that gives something meaning. While the signified is the way in which the individual members of the audience are able to perceive the image.

Source – Ads of the world, photographer – WWF

The image above, is an image which has been circulating the internet for an extended period of time now. I first came across this image on Facebook, along with many other photos of animals. This was the photograph which initially grabbed my interest, in comparison to the others. The image was able to do this, because of my massive obsession with Elephants. At first, it appears that the image was just artwork to express the beauty of the Elephant, due to the use of imagery of the light beaming down on the elephant, as well as it being the only object in the image.

It wasn’t until I looked at the picture for an extended time, that I started to realise that this was an image for a WWF (World Wide Fund for nature) campaign. The strikingly amazing use of visual imagery, to depict an Elephant which is crumbling, from back to front was able to trigger my thought process.
The Elephant is able to represent the quick rate of extinction of animals, and that this is the effect of hunting, and the loss of habitat throughout the wild. The advertising campaign is aimed at attacking those who don’t believe that this is a current issue within the world, as well as politicians and media outlets who can help make a change. The desired response is for the end of animal poaching, and habitat destruction of animals throughout the world.